An alternative to individual supervision for spiritual directors is facilitated group supervision. Here, a group of spiritual directors commits to meet together to support one another through compassionate, contemplative, and evocative listening. This is not a place of judgment or suggestions, rather a community of support and accountability as we explore our interior worlds as directors for the sake of directees.
Perhaps you have heard for peer group supervision, which is a similar process. What makes this offering different is that it is led by a trained supervisor, who helps model the process and bring strands together for the sake of both the director presenting and the group. The facilitator also aids in the creation of a contemplative reflection form (CRF) to guide the conversation, group covenant, and training, as needed, around listening and responding to one another.
If you have a group of spiritual directors who would like to explore this form of supervision, please contact us for a consultation.
We also offer a group for individual spiritual directors to join. Our next group begins in April. The cost of group supervision is $25/ participant/ meeting and supervision groups meet on Zoom. We run in 3 month cycles for a total of $75.
Perhaps you have heard for peer group supervision, which is a similar process. What makes this offering different is that it is led by a trained supervisor, who helps model the process and bring strands together for the sake of both the director presenting and the group. The facilitator also aids in the creation of a contemplative reflection form (CRF) to guide the conversation, group covenant, and training, as needed, around listening and responding to one another.
If you have a group of spiritual directors who would like to explore this form of supervision, please contact us for a consultation.
We also offer a group for individual spiritual directors to join. Our next group begins in April. The cost of group supervision is $25/ participant/ meeting and supervision groups meet on Zoom. We run in 3 month cycles for a total of $75.