1/29/2023 0 Comments LightDay by day, hour by hour - light is coming in our lives.
After observing the longest night of the year in December, we are waiting for light to come in its fullness. There seems to be something about using light as a tangible symbol of hope. I wonder who are the people in your life you hold out the light for you? Who calls you to hope when hope is hard? And how are you sharing your light and hope with other people in a way that stands in the gap? In other words, what does light mean to you, dear friends, and how are you sharing it with the world?
1/22/2023 0 Comments Watching and WaitingI have to admit that I am not someone who is very good at waiting. I feel like I am far too impatient, which often translates to not being very good at watching either.
Yet, I am still called to watch and wait, even if I am not always perfectly present in doing so. It's one of the reasons I sought spiritual direction in my life over a decade ago - to better watch and wait. But also, not to undertake these postures alone. Instead, I wanted to be in community with other people who are also watching and waiting. What are you watching and waiting for at this time? 1/15/2023 0 Comments UniqueI struggle with the idea of uniqueness.
On one hand - I truly believe that we are each unique - in our gifting, experience, and those things that make us who we are. But, on the other hand, sometimes we can fall into the trap of thinking that we are so unique that no one will understand us. We use it as a way to keep other people out. I wonder if sometimes we use our uniqueness as a shield because we haven't really been appreciated for who we are. Or maybe we haven't been listened to fully. Instead, I would like to step into the fullness of a statement that I heard this past week - that we are unique, but not individualistic. We are not alone on this journey we call life. How are you unique, but not individualistic? 1/10/2023 0 Comments SeasonsWhere I live we experience all four seasons - fall, winter, spring, and summer - in their full richness and tapestry. If you ask folks, they will often say that is one of their favorite parts of living here - experiencing each and every season.
Unfortunately, that isn't true. Yes, it's true that we have the seasons, but no one loves every season equally nor always enjoys experiencing them. For me, that is so true as the temperatures drop and snow starts to fall. Not my favorite season. Yet, I know that we need this season. Isn't that true of our lives as well? We aren't always thrilled at the season we find ourselves in - yet, we are here. How would you describe the season you find yourself in currently? And what is the potential gift of it in particular? 1/2/2023 0 Comments What are you passionate about?This week I have had several powerful conversations with colleagues about passions. The first conversation was about the word itself. I wonder what comes to mind when you hear the word "passion"? The truth is that for many of us what comes to mind is not what we are deeply passionate about, but rather what we enjoy or are interested in. The problem is that interests fade and what we enjoy changes. Passions, on the other hand, are something that requires more from us. They may even cause us pain, but the fruit is so worth it. With that in mind, I engaged in this revelatory exercise of asking some people close to me, from different parts of my life, and what came up was amazing. Words that capture my passions but in a way that I probably couldn't give voice to on my own. Words like spirituality, creativity, learning, listening and connecting. What are you passionate about? Not merely interested in or enjoy. And how do those passions shape the life you live in a way that others receive and respond to? |
AuthorMichelle is a Spiritual Director and End of Life Doula. She is the founder of Abide in the Spirit. Archives
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